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Avant Dance Studio

an adult ballet school where classical ballet becomes atypical


2020年1月1號是Avant Dance Studio的建校兩週年!為了慶足ADS的生日和感謝大家的信任,還有大家一直以來的支持, 在2020年1月份所購買的任何堂卡和月票都可以享用9折的優惠。9折優惠可以在1月內無限次使用!新加入的同學也可以享用這個特別優惠。

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Kathy and Nicole

My sister and I have been dancing street dance for years and last summer we wanted to give ballet a shot. We met Jasmine and were deeply moved by her passion in dance and teaching. She is always full of encouragement and is there to help you if you have any questions. She is not only a good ballet teacher, but also a great companion.


When I was a little girl, I dreamt of being a ballerina some day, as the years go by, my dream faded… About half a year ago, I attended Jasmine’s ballet class by chance. Her persistence, her attention to details and her sense of humour reignited my passion for ballet. I begin to enjoy attending ballet classes. Most importantly, she made me understand that regardless of age, if you put in effort, you will see improvement. If you are passionate about ballet, I strongly recommend you to try out Jasmine’s class. You will soon discover you can still embrace the beauty of ballet.


You are an adult and you are hesitating to learn ballet? Avant dance studio is definitely the place you should go!! Miss Jasmine will clear all your doubts about ballet for adults and you will begin to love it.

© 2023 by Avant Dance Studio Hong Kong

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